
28 November 2010

2. TV highlights

The highliths of this week's TV's the quiz show "el Bocamoll". The participants were really good. Two girls won the prize. The prize was more than 5.000€!!!

Channel 3's TV series "la Riera": There is a restaurant in Maresme and in there, there's a lot of action and different exciting adventures. The characters are really good. It represents a famous restaurant and the actors pretend they're cooking. There are tense and a lot of dramatic scenes.

Finally, something which also caught my eye was a new programme on Channel 3. Roger de Gracia, a famous presenter in Channel 3 (he presented Bocamoll too), presents now a music programme "No me la puc treure del cap". The programme is about one famous Catalan song, its "history" and things we didn't know.